Can I Obtain Dash Cam Footage from the Police in the UK? (Prosecute)


Can I Obtain Dash Cam Footage from the Police in the UK

Dash cameras, or “dash cams,” are increasingly popular devices used to record video footage of the road while driving in the United Kingdom. They can serve as an invaluable tools for both civilian drivers and law enforcement agencies. But can we as the general public obtain the dashcam footage from the Police in the UK? 

This simple answer is yes you can but it can be a long drawn-out process its not as simple as requestion the footage or asking a police officer.

In this article, we will walk you though how to obtain the footage and what obstruction you may come across.

Understanding the Legality of Dash Cam Footage in the UK

In the UK, it’s generally legal to record public spaces, including roadways, as long as there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. However, certain restrictions may apply to audio recordings or situations where the footage is used for commercial purposes.

It’s crucial to understand the legal context surrounding dash cam footage in the UK before attempting to obtain it from the police. In most cases, you can request access to dash cam footage from the police, but the process and requirements will vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Circumstances When Police May Use Dash Cam Footage

There are several situations in which the police may use dash cam footage as evidence:

  1. Investigating a traffic accident: Dash cam footage can provide crucial evidence in determining who was at fault in an accident, potentially helping to resolve disputes and streamline the claims process.
  2. Enforcing traffic laws: Police can use dash cam footage to identify and prosecute drivers who violate traffic laws, such as speeding, running red lights, or driving under the influence.
  3. Investigating criminal activity: In some cases, dash cam footage may capture evidence of criminal activity, such as theft, assault, or property damage, which can aid in police investigations.

How to Request Dash Cam Footage from the UK Police Force

If you want to obtain dash cam footage from the police in the UK, follow these steps:

The police are in charge of the footage that is recorded and stored in their systems, such as Body Worn Video, CCTV, photos, and interview tapes, and dash cams. This means they are responsible for how it is used and shared, as they are the Data Controller.

Under Data Protection law (DPA 2018), you have the right to ask for access to any personal data that relates to you and can identify you within this police information. This is called a Right to Access Request or a Subject Access Request. However, if the situation requires it, the police may apply certain exemptions set out in the DPA 2018 to the release of personal data.

If you want to request digital police information held for someone else, you will need to ask the commander of the borough where the incident happened, who can decide whether or not to release the material.

  1. Determine the appropriate agency: Identity the law enforcement agency responsible for the footage you’re seeking. This could be your local police force.
  2. File a public records request: Many jurisdictions require a formal public records request, such as a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, to obtain dash cam footage from the police. Be prepared to provide specific details about the footage, including the date, time, and location of the incident.
  3. Pay any applicable fees: Some agencies may charge fees for processing public records requests or providing copies of the footage. Be prepared to pay these fees if necessary.
  4. Wait for a response: The response time for public records requests can vary significantly depending on the agency and the complexity of your request. Be prepared to wait several weeks or even months for a response.

Can Police Seize Dash Cam Footage in the UK?

In certain situations, the police in the UK may have the authority to seize dash cam footage, especially if it’s considered crucial evidence in an ongoing investigation or criminal case. For instance, if your dash cam captures footage of a hit-and-run incident, the police may request or legally obtain your footage as evidence to identify and prosecute the offender.

However, this doesn’t mean that the police can arbitrarily seize your dash cam or its footage without reason. They would typically need a warrant or a valid reason based on probable cause to seize your dash cam or its contents.

Fines and Reporting Dash Cam Footage to the Police in the UK

While dash cam footage can be a valuable tool for law enforcement, it’s important to understand that submitting footage to the police might not always result in immediate fines or penalties for the offending driver. Law enforcement agencies have their own protocols and priorities, and they might not always pursue every violation captured on dash cam footage. 

However, if you have clear and compelling footage of a traffic violation or criminal activity, it’s worth reporting it to the police. This could help them apprehend dangerous drivers or criminals and potentially prevent future incidents.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can UK police prosecute with dash cam footage?

Yes, the police in the UK can use dash cam footage as evidence to prosecute traffic violations or criminal activities if the footage clearly shows a violation or crime.

  1. Can UK police use dash cam footage?

Yes, police in the UK can use dash cam footage in their investigations, traffic enforcement, and other law enforcement activities, as long as the footage is legally obtained and relevant to the case.

  1. How to get dash cam footage from UK police?

To obtain dash cam footage from the police in the UK, you may need to file a public records request, such as a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, with the relevant law enforcement agency. Be prepared to provide specific details about the footage and pay any applicable fees.

  1. How do I request UK police dash cam footage?

To request police dash cam footage in the UK, first determine the appropriate law enforcement agency responsible for the footage, then file a public records request with that agency. Be prepared to provide specific details about the footage and wait for a response.

  1. Can UK police seize dash cam footage?

In certain situations, police in the UK may seize dash cam footage if it’s considered crucial evidence in an ongoing investigation or criminal case. They would typically need a warrant or a valid reason based on probable cause to seize your dash cam or its contents.


In conclusion, obtaining dash cam footage from the police in the UK is possible but depends on the specific jurisdiction and legal context. It’s important to understand the process and requirements for requesting footage in your area.

Dash cam footage can be a valuable tool for law enforcement, and in some cases, police may use or even seize the footage as part of an investigation. If you have captured footage of traffic violations or criminal activities, consider reporting it to the police to help them enforce the law and keep our roads safer.

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